Go ahead. You know you want to share this! Sometimes the best medicine for a not being noticed for the work that you do is to just declare that you are in fact "Employee of...
Read MoreGo ahead. You know you want to share this! Sometimes the best medicine for a not being noticed for the work that you do is to just declare that you are in fact "Employee of...
Read MoreTo me, there is nothing more deflating than not be listened to. Taking the time to share your heart, your ideas, your views, whatever it may be and having it fall on deaf ears. I...
Read MoreStrategies for smarter leadership are key topics for navigating organizational growth in today's competitive environment. Trying to find the best ways to "engage" your employees is not the only thing that should be top of...
Read MoreYesterday someone opened the door for me. You might think "so what Paula" but this person was laden down carrying supplies and had some physical challenges as well. Yet, in his own discomfort, it was...
Read MoreTrust will always be a priority when leading teams. In an age where disengagement in the workplace is every increasing the one vital ingredient to changing culture and solidifying good productivity and satisfaction is leader's...
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