How To Overcome Self Doubt
So many of my incredibly talented clients still struggle from issues of self-doubt that I am prompted to address that. I read once that the true creative person is the one who decides that the work...
Read MoreSo many of my incredibly talented clients still struggle from issues of self-doubt that I am prompted to address that. I read once that the true creative person is the one who decides that the work...
Read MoreThere is really only one secret to being extraordinary at sales. That is to look at every single product or service you sell through the customers’ eyes. Be creative. Consider every possible reason this product or service...
Read MoreSo many interesting people I meet tell me that they want to write a book “someday,” and follow that with “when I can take a year off,” or “when my children are older,” or “when...
Read MoreYou never know how strong you are until something horrible happens and you have to get over it. As a young woman my own life was touched by tragedy and I know how demanding grief and...
Read MoreTo stay ahead, always have your next idea waiting in the wings, leadership expert Rosabeth Moss Kanter tells us. It is advice worth taking to heart. Moss Kanter, who is director of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership...
Read MoreWhenever I advise clients to take steps to be aware of the latest topics and trends in their industry, they often respond that they are too busy to read books or magazines or special reports. As...
Read MoreIn Dying to be Me, Anita Moorjani writes that she doesn’t believe the greatest truths of the universe lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. “They lie deep within us, in the...
Read MoreThe beginning of a new year is the ideal time to establish new habits, and one of those should be scheduling time regularly to increase your depth of knowledge about sales. When I say this, many...
Read MorePoet Robert Pinsky wrote in “Singing School,” (2013) that the best anthology is the one each reader compiles, personally, according to his or her judgment, pleasure and awe. It reminds me that I have always loved...
Read MoreTwo of the best lines I heard in 2017 By Paula Morand Every year of my life I hear a couple of things that totally change the way I think about something. In 2017, I learned to think...
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