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  |   courage, empowerment, focus, growth, leadership, resilience, risk   |   No comment

There is something to be said for tenacity.

That strong commitment to stick to it and win.  To be persistent and build resiliency as you strive for something that is seemingly out of reach at this moment.

There is something to be said about arriving at the place of success, whether it be the new promotion, the sports win, achieving a personal best at something or even welcoming a new child into this world.

Every major milestone in life has smaller events that have happened along the way to prepare you. Whether they are good moments or not so good moments, there is no one I know that would offer to change their journey once they are through it and take time to reflect on their life so far.

Your journey is designed just for you and continues to refine you into the person you are meant to be.

Stick with it. Don’t give up and press on! You are preparing for something amazing.

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