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COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP – Dini Petty to Keynote at Fuel Leadership Conference on May 12th

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Dini Petty, Canadian Celebrity to be Keynote Speaker at the Fuel Conference on the theme of Courageous Leadership.

Always inspiring with great food for thought! 

Stepping into the spotlight and leading the way takes courage and with courage comes uncertainty, failure, success and everything in between.   Our fears hold us back and when the What If’s come as they do for all of us, we do one of three things. Do nothing while praying somehow it will all work out. Charge forward or retreat in panic grabbing at straws, constantly changing direction. 

Dini’s has spent her life working with predominantly male leaders and have watched as their organizations collapsed, faltered badly as well as succeeded; all the while observing and learning through how it impacted their journey and ultimately her life. 

We most often consider leadership the skills needed to run large organizations or big projects and we forget that each one of us is a leader in every phase of our lives.  www.fuelleadership.ca

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