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How To Find And Keep Inspiration

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Through inspiration we discover our potential for strength, wisdom and endurance. It is the fuel that keeps us moving. But where can we find it?


Seth Frader-Thompson was totally in the moment of enjoyment as he drove his new Toyota Prius, a hybrid energy-efficient vehicle.  He marvelled at the efficiency of the dashboard that allowed him to see his current gas mileage so he could keep track of his efficiency.  He started to think about how great it would be if householders could keep track of their energy use that way by having some kind of in-house dashboard that would allow them to be aware of their home energy use.


The inspiration triggered an idea, the idea triggered a design, and before long, he had invented the EnergyHub Dashboard. It’s a home dashboard that allows people to keep track of the energy efficiency of their air conditioner, furnace, light bulbs, appliances and even alarm clocks. He even went to the next level of inspiration, making it so that this one dashboard could be used to switch appliances off and on and adjust the thermostat to maintain energy efficient heating.


It’s a great example of how being aware of our world and taking time to notice things can trigger inspiration and how much our inspiration can contribute to our own growth and the betterment of those around us.  I like to think of the journey to owning your awesome being taken in a vehicle that I call bold courage which runs on the fuel of inspiration.  Like any vehicle, the fuel tank only holds so much at one time and will go only so far before it needs refuelling. That is why inspiration is a priority. If you don’t find ways to replenish it, you will be forced to run on empty, and that won’t get you where you need to go.


Inspiration powers your thinking and keeps you moving forward in the right direction for your life.  It also supports you during those times when perserverance and resilience are needed to help you overcome adversity, ill health, misfortune, failure and loss. You have to know there is hope on the other side of such times, and inspiration is what you cling to.


Throughout all the stages of my life, I have learned to take simple ideas that come to me in moments of calm, give them focus and put them into action. The outcomes have been successful.  For more than two decades individuals and organizations have have hired me for this expertise and reaped huge rewards for the effort. I have discovered that special place where strategy meets possibities and how that beautiful combination creates a culture where everyone is happier and more productive.


It is that kind of thinking that prompted James Dyson, inventor of the amazing bagless vacuum cleaner, to create a bladeless fan. He was inspired by the work he did creating the company’s Airbland hand-dryer. It was able to blow air at 400 miles per hour to dry people’s hands. He wondered why streams of air couldn’t cool people as well.  Not only is the new device bladeless, making it safer, but it is 15 times more energy efficient than older-model fans.


The world is just full of great examples of people who had the bold courage to pursue simple ideas and turn them into something great.


The most important thing we can do in life is to find and keep inspiration, and generate more of it. If you are lucky enough to find an idea that is a great fit, then be encouraged with the right fuel and a smart direction that you will be on the road to finding your awesome.


paulamorandPaula Morand, CSP is a leadership building, revenue boosting, strategy expanding keynote speaker, author and visionary. This dreaming big and being bold expert brings her vibrant energy, humor and wisdom to ignite individuals, organizations and communities to lead change, growth and bold impact. 23 years, 25,000 clients, 19 countries, 11 books, former radio personality, 10x award winning entrepreneur and humorous emcee.

To check out Paula’s newest book, “Bold Courage: How Owning Your Awesome Changes Everything” go to Amazon http://ow.ly/i8yW307ix67

To book Paula to speak email bookings@paulamorand.com or call toll-free 1-888-502-6317.

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