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How To Overcome Self Doubt

  |   confidence, leadership, motivation, paula morand   |   No comment


When you let go of your insecurities and focus on the incredible experiences available to share your skills and abilities, you can fully immerse yourself in an awesome life. It is hard to imagine where it will take you.   In 2009 I challenged all my insecurities and said yes to an opportunity that came my way.


It changed my life forever.


I was invited to sit on a global advisory council for women’s issues for an international non-governmental charitable organization. The focus of the council was to discuss women’s issues in developing countries ranging from disaster relief, health, food, water and education.  At the time, I had no idea where the opportunity would take me, except that I was hungry to use my skills to make a larger difference globally. My desire to play a larger role in helping others was at the forefront of my plan to own my awesome.


When the request came in, I was already tremendously busy. I was a successful entrepreneur, radio show host and had an extensive professional speaking calendar that had me travelling often.  However, I didn’t make any snap decisions. Instead I took some time to review how saying yes would align with my future goals. I considered the opportunity and its relevance to my life and even though I was busy I imagined myself sitting on the committee and how it might feel and contribute to owning my awesome.


After my deliberation I saw how this agenda item aligned with my vision in life and I said yes. I agreed to sit on the council.  I dove into my new council position with willingness, excitement and the expectation of great things to come. I never do anything half way and this was no different; I was all in.  Due to the sheer number of initiatives being implemented it became clear the best way to fully understand the impact this organization was making was to experience it first-hand.
Six months later, I joined a team of seven other people (all strangers to me) and collectively we traveled to Africa, deemed as a country in need of rebuilding and restoration. Liberia, located in West Africa, is one of the poorest nations of the world, having suffered tremendously after surviving a horrific 16-year civil war.



As I boarded the plane I felt a little shy about being the only person in the group who didn’t know the others and travelling to this developing country about which I knew nothing. My insecurities were raging.  But I had made the commitment and so I felt I had no choice but to release my insecurities and focus on the incredible life experience I was about to enjoy.


I was hungry to share my strengths, my skills and abilities in any way they would be deemed useable and I knew I couldn’t fully immerse myself into the experience if I remained in a state of shyness.  My sights were set on global work and much to my awe and amazement, I was right where I always wanted to be. I crossed the threshold from dream to reality and I was filled with gratitude. I was ready to take the experience by the horns and give it my all. I committed to myself to have the willingness to do whatever I had to do to immerse myself in the experience of the Liberian culture and support the team and the community any way I could.


My willingness to be open to possibilities made all the difference. I thoroughly and completely enjoyed the entire experience and viewed more than 25 projects, from startup ideas to massive countrywide initiatives.   I wasn’t leaving anything on the table. I wanted to do it all. I spent my days doing a variety of things which ranged vastly from playing games, singing, feeding 3,000 children in one day, to being knee deep in a manure-fed tilapia pond learning to fish by hand, teaching literacy and hygiene classes in the middle of the jungle in a mud hut, building water systems, teaching entrep
reneurship to women and visiting a secured housing project that rescued young girls who had been sold into slavery as child soldiers during the war and later raped and abused.


The need was overwhelming and with a team of six hundred volunteers in the nation, villages were being put back together and the road to healing had begun.  Saying yes to that experience and being willing to play an active part in it allowed me to return home feeling like I had found a piece of my awesome.


Abandoning my insecurities and having this incredible experience left me with one big question: “What else is possible if I let go?”  For me and for you, being able to release your insecurities will open your world to amazing possibilities and allow you to reframe your idea of awesome.


paulamorandPaula Morand, CSP is a leadership building, revenue boosting, strategy expanding keynote speaker, author and visionary. This dreaming big and being bold expert brings her vibrant energy, humor and wisdom to ignite individuals, organizations and communities to lead change, growth and bold impact. 23 years, 25,000 clients, 19 countries, 11 books, former radio personality, 10x award winning entrepreneur and humorous emcee.

To check out Paula’s newest book, “Bold Courage: How Owning Your Awesome Changes Everything” go to Amazon http://ow.ly/i8yW307ix67

To book Paula to speak email bookings@paulamorand.com or call toll-free 1-888-502-6317.




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