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The Four Foundations to Becoming Awesome

  |   confidence, leadership, motivation, paula morand   |   No comment

19effe3If you renew your attitude and adjust your actions, in just a few weeks you will start to see the changes that you want in life. The best time to start is now.  The focus of my research in recent years has been on the foundational components involved in living a life that is awesome as well as how to lead others toward the same goal.  I have concluded there are four key categories: commitment, recognition, satisfaction and feedback.


When you focus on the core understandings within each category will be able to create consistency, alignment and repetition in your efforts and arrive at success.  All four categories play an equal and integral role in helping you reach your awesome so you can own every inch of your life. Within each category there are a few core understandings that will help you in your journey.


Foundation #1 – Commitment

Commitment means you must be willing to take your decisions to the next level.  It means you are willing to try new things at time s and stay the course at others. It means being committed,  to trust in the process and be okay if you are sometimes uncomfortable along the way.  Commitment is about developing a mindset of success and knowing that you have within you the ability to be successful on a daily basis. When you show up every day and focus on those top priorities that will support you and not hinder you in your life you show others how to be accountable to this mindset as well.  An optimistic and focused mindset that conquers every day commitments with ease and with purpose allows you to build a continual positive momentum and shake off the negative doldrum of life.


Foundation #2 – Recognition 

Recognition means you will learn to recognize the beauty of failing and that failure is a necessary part of the journey to gaining wisdom and to maturing in who you are and how you think, feel and act.   Recognize the need to embrace chaos and how learning to problem solve and see solutions in the midst of this chaos can work your analytical thinking rather than always being reactive to circumstances.  Recognize what winning feels like as the process of winning always feels good and we want to do it again and again, so why not right?   Also recognize within yourself how you need to be validated for your efforts as this will help to elevate your focus to keep going as you see purpose in your efforts.


Foundation #3 – Satisfaction 

By satisfaction, you will prove that you can still own your awesome even when the world around you doesn’t appear to be awesome at all.   You will challenge mediocrity and believe in the power of your story. You will accept that you can be perfectly flawed and still succeed and you will embrace the gift of giving and receiving. You will understand that it is important to measure your satisfaction which bodes the questions, “What makes your happy?”, “What does a fulfilled life look like to me?”, “What can I do to be of service and make a bigger impact in my life?” and the list goes on. Figure out how to measure your satisfaction so you can see growth opportunities or how to course correct when your morale starts to slip. This is when you can more easily pivot and realign yourself to the positive.


Foundation #4 – Feedback

Through feedback, you will be empowered if you allow the process to work.  Feedback can be used as smart launch pad into new arenas of opportunity as well as give us the information we require to make informed decisions that we can then apply to our life. Feedback also builds resiliency and trust as it fosters a communication approach to processing your efforts with information from your perspective and that of others. This can be a very powerful foundation when you understand that perspective is the key and that it is not always from your perspective of a situation that gives you the best lens for understanding. Feedback is about   infusing smart information to make more aligned decisions so you stay in that place of winning more often than not.  It makes sense then to build a trusted network of people who can give you feedback to help validate your findings and see the issue or opportunity in the best light.


Being awesome means you have to commit to stop the cycle of self-pity and commit to doing a reset. You have to renew your attitude and adjust your actions.


The good news is that in just a few weeks you will start to see the changes that you have been waiting for.  Recently in my own life I went back to do a reset and used these four foundations to re-test them. There were a few segments of my life that I wanted to improve.  The first was my relationship with my family. While I adored them, I craved a deeper connection. That meant setting priorities around building memories together and having meaningful conversations to deepen our relationship with each other.


The second segment was health and that meant tackling some bad habits and dealing with some recurring health issues that were disrupting my lifestyle.   I craved strength, energy and vibrancy, and I was lacking in all of those areas. But I was determined to do something about it.


The third segment was in business and career. I committed to owning my awesome in business and that meant taking the time to look at everything from operations, to people, to our product and service offerings, and re-examining and identifying the types of customers with whom we would work.


For me, nothing was sacred in the process. I put everything on the table and the magic started to happen. I faced my fears and disappointments head on. I was honest with myself and I put words to the feelings that were holding me back.  On the surface to others, there was no problem. But for me, it was a matter of the heart, and I felt that I had disconnected a bit from what really mattered to me. Once I recognized the fact, it was easy to take steps to change my situation.


Try aligning the four categories of awesomeness in your life and see how well it works for you. Within each category you will unleash some core understandings that will definitely help you in your journey.



paulamorandPaula Morand, CSP is a leadership building, revenue boosting, strategy expanding keynote speaker, author and visionary. This dreaming big and being bold expert brings her vibrant energy, humor and wisdom to ignite individuals, organizations and communities to lead change, growth and bold impact. 23 years, 25,000 clients, 19 countries, 11 books, former radio personality, 10x award winning entrepreneur and humorous emcee.

To check out Paula’s newest book, “Bold Courage: How Owning Your Awesome Changes Everything” go to Amazon http://ow.ly/i8yW307ix67

To book Paula to speak email bookings@paulamorand.com or call toll-free 1-888-502-6317.

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