I remember getting a kaleidoscope as a kid. I love how you can look through the looking glass and turn it and see the most colourful and brilliant designs. It always reminds me of stained glass in an old church. Thinking of my childhood kaleidoscope also made me ponder on how I view my life.
Life is such an interesting journey. I have been reflecting on numerous memories of late and wondering if I am remembering them correctly or if it happened in a different way that I am recreating it in my memory banks. It then made me realize and start asking myself questions about how I view my life. There are so many ways in which we can respond or live our life and it comes down to our choice and our perception of what we have lived and how we desire to live going forward.
I realized how easy it is to find the negative but also how beautiful it is when we find the colourful moments that make up a beautiful live that we love to think about. My goal is to be much more thankful about what I do have than what I don’t have.
How I view my life is up to me and I want to embrace everything that is good and right with it.
What about you?
I invite you to connect with me at paulamorand.com or on social media @paulamorand.