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  |   caring, family, good samaritan, make a difference, paula morand, values   |   No comment

Serving others is just what I have been raised to do.  Caring for others and taking the time to show them including your the giving of your time, your ability to listen, your effort in assisting or helping in some way .. well the list is endless of what you could do.

The more important part to this, is having the mindset that it is not beneath you to serve others but rather a privilege and an honour that has been given to you to do it well.

Perhaps you are in a career in social services or health care and you are burned out. Remember the reason why you went into your chosen field in the first place. Maybe you work for a not for profit and are tired from not feeling valued or respected. Just think of the outcome that you are making.. even if you can’t see it now, you are planting seeds for someone else to water.

If you are dealing with childcare and elder care at the same time, it is exhausting I know, but when the time is gone and you look back, will you be thankful you had that time?  Most likely.  If you are in a church and have an opportunity to serve others, do you take the gift that is being offered to you or pass it off for someone else to do because it is viewed as a chore?

Change your mindset, recommit to the most important job of all.
Loving others as you would like to be loved yourself.

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