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  |   compassion, leadership, paula morand, servant leadership   |   No comment

Diversity can be a beautiful thing. 

Learning to embrace and accept different cultures can open your eyes to the richness that we collectively bring to the world and receive from the world.  Most cities these days are multi-cultural in nature.  Cities with a mosaic of different food, music, values and beliefs.  There is no need even to travel the world to experience different nationalities as they are most likely right in your own neighbourhood.  What if you reached out, showed interest and made an effort to get to know people in your own area?  

You may just be amazed and become a better person for spending time with someone from another culture or even consider showing kindness to an immigrant from another country who is trying to settle into their new country.  

What’s in it for you?  You will also build compassion and tolerance in understanding what they have been through, what their dreams are and what is important to them.

Just because someone looks different or talks different than you doesn’t mean they are lesser than. It just means that you have an opportunity to be curious about who they are and increase your understanding and learn something new.  

Who knows, you might just make a new friend in the process. 

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