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  |   attitude, confidence, leadership, live life fully, paula morand   |   No comment

It is so hard to stand out from the crowd.   It’s a weird feeling of being proud of succeeded or leading something but at the same time feeling vulnerable to scrutiny and judgement.  There are so many incredible people I have met thus far in my journey of life.  From skills, to experiences to just plain life wisdom or those with resiliency and the ability to overcome situations that seem so daunting an unimaginable to others. I am constantly in awe of the really interesting people that I meet.  So much more than myself I must say.  

I love being able to see the extraordinary in people.

Do you have people around you that see how extraordinary you are?  You should.  It may not even be viewed as extraordinary in your mind but to others they see it differently.  We just need to believe it…and well that is often the hardest part of journey.

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