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  |   confidence, entrepreneurship, leadership, paula morand, vision   |   No comment

When I was a teenager one of the most profound messages I had heard was a visiting speaker named Mark Sharenbroich who came to my high school.  His whole message was about “These are the best days of your life so far.. so make them count.”

Now, over 30 years later, that message still resonates with me, and not that high school was the best days of my life….(although I did love my high school years).  It resonates because, right now, the present are the best years. Right here, right now, where I am. No matter the situation, this day has the potential to be a part of the best years of my life.

 I often ask myself “What can I do not to waste this precious time given to me?”

The answer is to always check in to your heart.  Dream big, feel more and follow your heart as it always knows the way.

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