Did you know the main person usually standing in the way between fulfilling your dreams and where you are right now is You?
Many many years ago my husband and I made the decision to go and serve the world wherever we were planted. If that meant moving, so be it, as long as we were doing work that mattered. We collectively decided to say “yes” and ask God to use our talents and our gifts accordingly and to provide opportunities to be of service. The last 16 years have brought incredible experiences, opportunities and of course learning and refining for us as individuals and as a family. Sometimes easy and yes, sometimes challenging. Sometimes frustrating and many more times joyful and fulfilling. All of it worth throughout the journey so far has offered many lessons and a myriad of memories.
Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
All it takes to start is the willingness to say Yes and then the obedience to take action.
The best leadership skills you will ever learn is to be of service to others.