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  |   attitude, behavioural change, change, coaching, focus, leadership, paula morand, paulamorand, vision   |   No comment

A few years ago, I had the extreme pleasure of working with a corporate professional from Canada’s west coast.  During our coaching sessions, a transformation of confidence and clarity of vision directly impacted and exponentially changed the outlook of this focused and assertive woman.

Here is her letter:

Life is great, well now anyway.   Upon completion of our year working together, I became much more conscious in how I am in control of my life.   I bravely grabbed ahold of the reigns and finally made some much needed decisions that start a ripple effect of so many WONDERFUL things that I was dreaming would happen.  We have spoken so many times of how our perception of our current situation can have such a firm grip, literally holding us back from the potential that we could be living. I am forever grateful for the nudges and the swift kick once in a while too!   

I can see how you completely and totally moved me through and out of a period of not trusting my own instinct and leadership capabilities to where I am today. I am so thrilled to say that although challenging many times, I feel as though I have finally found my groove once again … but even better.  I feel as though I am leading much more effectively while honouring my vision, passion and goals for where I want to go and how I am going to get there.  My career feels brand new with a breath of fresh air again.  

Thanks for helping me to light the candle again. It’s burning bright!

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