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  |   change, confidence, entrepreneurship, focus, innovation, paula morand, productivity   |   No comment

Do you realize that you have the power to influence, to lead and to encourage change?

Managing change whether as an individual or as an organization can often be disruptive, chaotic and spur disengagement and yes, negativity.

To create an environment of what I call “dynamic transformation”, there are a few core things that will help you navigate in an easier fashion.

1. Create Ownership – You want change?  Well the best and fastest way to drive it is to own the decision and the plan that change must happen… and that YOU will be playing at part in that process.

2. Communication is Key – Clearly understand the journey as you see it and communicate with other parties so that all are on the same page as you move through the transition.  If it is just you, then give yourself some grace and know that fear and uncertainty go with the territory but that excitement elicits the same emotions so try and move through it in a positive manner.

3. Celebrate Milestones – Learning to celebrate the small wins and milestones along the way will absolutely change the trajectory of how you manage and embrace change in the future.  Instead of focusing on what hasn’t happened yet, how about focusing on what has.

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