Never in my life and in my travels have I met hundreds of children at one time who wanted nothing but an opportunity to smile with you.
In May of 2009, I joined an incredible team of seven strangers and we set out as an International Relief Team on a Mission to Liberia, Africa with Samaritan’s Purse Canada. The goal of the trip was to view many capacity building projects in the country as it continues to rebuild after years of strife and civil war. We arriv
ed just before raining season was about to set in and spent most of our time in Foya District near the border of Sierra Leone and Guinea.

I am amazed and humbled by the level of joy and appreciation that I felt from the hundreds of people that we were able to spend time with but much of my admiration was directed to the incredible women of Africa. The ones that work tirelessly day in and day out to provide food for their family, tend to their children and are willing to walk for miles (and for some hours) for an opportunity to learn to read and write. To the women of Africa, I salute you and look forward to seeing you again real soon.